Paul is a loyal, caring person. He is quiet, never intrusive, but
always ‘there’, always standing by to help out to the best of his abilities. It
seems to be a family trait. His Mom receives us warmly and generously whenever
we pass by, feeding us a delicious meal if she can. The entire family even
dropped in at my hotel to say hello when they were returning home from a New
Year’s visit.
Paul is like still waters; it takes awhile to get to know him and
that always happens best one-on-one during a quiet moment. We had a few of
those during this past journey.
Preparations for the spinning workshop |
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Preparing the bow (busur) for the spinning workshop |
I have long entertained the idea of two centres of Batak natural
dye, building on the strengths of the past: blue in Muara and red south of the
Lake. Paul’s few quiet sentences suddenly brought the vision closer to the
ground and made it much rosier.
The above blog was written while I was still in North Sumatra, but my internet access was so abominable that I wasn't able to get it posted. I am now back in The Netherlands and I was reminded of the blog because of the short piece that Paul wrote for Facebook yesterday. He has been in Muara helping Ishak put up a textile exhibition and there he met with Restuala's family. He has given me permission to post his piece here in my blog, along with my translation. Besides being an entrepreneur, Paul loves to write. This time he was inspired by a precious little bundle that is also very meaningful to me.
Asaro Rolf
Johan; Blessed inheritor of tradition.
Humans come
and go; thus the cycle of life on this earth throughout time. Such
has been the experience of Rosalina Pakpahan (Nai Tania Sianturi), the sister of
our deceased friend, Restuala Pakpahan. She has done much to revive “Natural Dyes”
in Huta Nagodang, Muara. She continues to use the surrounding natural
materials to colour yarns needed for weaving. Such is the biological wealth that
is around us, even though we are often not aware of how to use it and then
ignore it.
Together with [the weaver group] “Sopo
Sorha Harunguan” which was conceptualized by Restuala a few years ago when he
was still alive, they grew together, worked together, struggled for the health of
the culture by empowering women weavers in Muara.
Now, Restuala is no longer, but the
spirit of life is always there. Leaving only the task of determining the future
steps for “Sopo Sorha Harungguan”, where the weavers will find their guiding
The day of mourning has passed and a day
of joy has dawned. On February 17 a gift from the creator of the universe was bestowed upon this
family in the form of the birth of Rosalina’s son. “Asaro Rolf Johan Sianturi”; the child
has been named thus.
The name was given by Sandra at the
request of Rosalina’s family when we visited their home in Janji Raja on January 27.
Asaro is an Italian name (Saro = good,
constant). However, this name also comprises a few words with a distinct
meaning in the Toba Batak language: asa (may it be, hopefully), ro (come),
Asaro (may something good/constant come). An amazing name, unique, also a part
of a prayer that is raised to the creator so that there will be good days
ahead. Thus also the hopes of all of us, that one day Asaro will belong to the
generation that perpetuates tradition, will do as his uncle (Restuala) did
during his lifetime.
Welcome to this earth, Asaro! May you be
creative while building your plans for the future.
Greetings…greetings, nature.
Asaro Rolf
Johan; Anugerah pewaris tradisi.
datang dan pergi, demikianlah siklus kehidupan di bumi ini seiring perjalanan
waktu. Sebagaimana yang telah dialami oleh kak Rosalina boru Pakpahan (Nai
Tania Sianturi), ito dari sahabat kami, mendiang Restuala Pakpahan. Ito inilah
yang selama ini banyak berkontribusi dalam membangkitkan "Pewarnaan
Alam" di Huta Nagodang, Muara. Beliau juga konsisten dalam melanjutkan
penggunaan bahan yang ada di alam sekitar untuk pewarnaan benang keperluan
tenun. Demikianlah kekayaan hayati yang ada disekitar kita walau tanpa sadar
seringkali kita tidak mengetahui manfaatnya, lalu mengabaikannya.
"Sopo Sorha Harungguan" yang dibentuk oleh Restuala semasa hidupnya
beberapa tahun terakhir, mereka tumbuh bersama-sama, bergerak-berkarya bersama,
lalu berbuat bagi kesehatan budaya melalui pemberdayaan inang-inang penenun di
Restuala telah tiada, namun semangat hidup tetap ada. Tinggal menentukan
langkah seiring perjalanan "Sopo Sorha Harungguan", akan kemana para
penenun harus menemukan suluhnya!.
berkabung telah berlalu dan kini saatnya datang hari bahagia. Sebuah karunia
dari sang khalik telah dianugerahkan kepada keluarga ini atas lahirnya seorang
putra dari ito Rosalina pada Selasa, 17 Februari lalu. "Asaro Rolf Johan
Sianturi", begitulah sianak lahir dinamakan.
Nama ini
dibuatkan oleh Sandra atas permintaan dari keluarga ito Rosalina, sebagaimana
dalam kunjungan kami ke kediamannya di Janji Raja pada 27 Januari lalu.
diambil dari bahasa italia (saro=baik, setia). Namun, nama ini juga merupakan
bangunan beberapa kata yang mempuyai arti tersendiri dalam bahasa Batak Toba;
asa (agar, semoga), ro (datang), Asaro (semoga datang yang baik/setia). Nama
yang hebat, begitu unik, juga bagian dari doa yang disampaikan pada penciptanya
agar kelak menjadi orang baik dimasa depannya. Begitu juga harapan dari kita
semua, agar kelak Asaro menjadi generasi penerus tradisi, berbuat seperti yang
telah diperbuat oleh pamannya (Restuala) semasa hidupnya.
datang di bumi ini, Asaro! Selamat berimajinasi dalam membangun rencanamu
dimasa depan.