Friday, August 16, 2013

Blessing Two: The Youth will Attend

MJA Nashir wrote to me a few days ago. He has been working non-stop for weeks to realize our launch. In addition to being dedicated, Nashir is a methodical worker who leaves nothing to chance. What he puts his hand to, he does well and thoroughly. Now he has put his hand to getting our special guests from North Sumatra to Taman Mini to attend the launch of Pulang Kampung III.

He has called on Pak Jerry to trouble-shoot the logistical challenge. Pak Jerry is our faithful project chauffeur who has proven time and again that he can leap every logistical hurdle without a misstep. He knows what we fight for and how we go about our work; he knows our contacts and how to find them in Tano Batak; he inspires trust. He has agreed to go to Muara to pick up our weaver, then pick up two of our youthful participants, Lasma in Simalungun and Febrina in Karo. He will inspire trust and confidence in their parents.

I am anxious for Lasma and Febrina to meet. They are both very bright, but born to poor families and consequently have never had the opportunity to enjoy tertiary education. Both are interested in perpetuating Batak culture; both are devoted to Batak textiles.

Pak Jerry will fly with our precious cargo and stay for the opening. I am so glad! He is a member of our team  and we would not be complete without him. He will make sure that everything flows smoothly. 

Tears came to my eyes when Nashir told me how he had arranged things. He is realizing my dreams.

The two young Batak men who will join us at the launch in Taman Mini, Manahara Tambunan and Os came to my eyes when Nashir told me how he had arranged things. He is realizing my dreams.

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